Original piece

Harley Quinn Ball by Carlo Pagulayan (0 Comments)

Artists: Carlo Pagulayan (Penciller),  Jeffrey Huet (Inker)


Artwork Details

Title: Harley Quinn Ball by Carlo Pagulayan
Artist: Carlo Pagulayan (Penciller)
Artist: Jeffrey Huet (Inker)
Media Type: Pen and Ink
Art Type: Pin Up
For Sale Status: Definitely not for sale
Views: 2136
Comments: 0
Added to Site: 12/9/2014


11''x17'' original inks onto bluelined pencils copy.
Totally excellent Harley Quinn having a ball rendition by Pagulayan, monstrously inked by Jeffrey Huet...

While I already dig this crazy Harley's picture alot right at first sight (keep having U know a little weakness for this totally nuts character, whom I find here rendered totally 'au naturel', with an awesome precision and an extra compo with the huge caption echoing the crazy girl's play), have to say moreover Jeff totally nailed every detail during the inking. His job's one of the cleanest I've ever seen, and the slight extra touches he added like blank spots here or there supa adequately chosen to embody the depicted movement or subtly suggest some dirt for example onto Harley's butt are all excellent.

It's a total bliss detailing the piece in hand.

About the Owner

Christophe Médard
Original Art Collector
Ebay Id: cmedard
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